“So we’re going to see Snorri Snorrivetters Lustige Trobadoure today?”

I laugh only half-heartedly. What have I done?!?!? 😯

I caught him doing something he was quite immersed into and asked him in a neutral voice whether he’d like to accompany me to a concert. It’s a French singer, he may not love her, but I’d like to go and I have no one. To my surprise, he said yes. As it turned out, it was also to his surprise.

A few weeks later I reminded him the concert I had tricked him into was that day. He was still quite baffled about having become a concert ticket holder so easily and kept asking me how I had done it 😳 (I could have sworn there was some admiration in his eyes, too). I said I was going to buy him a beer so that he can survive the concert.

What we got on May 20 2011, was this:


I won’t even try to tell you how good ZAZ really is.

She’s really, really damn good. Pure energy and loads of different stuff. Felt like heaven, though I didn’t understand her French at all 😳

When leaving the hall I braced myself for any complains, after all, it was my fault, but my hubby said, without being asked about it, mind you: “That was good! She’s good! She’s so authentic and full of energy!”

Phew. That really made my day. Plus, I am officially allowed to drag him into concerts by people we don’t really know or not at all. One can never tell, that was my Beloved’s verdict …

ZAZ, thank you. You rock. We roll.

2 responses to “ZAZ!

  • » Ba, BAnn, Zaz Bimbovo blogokletstvo

    […] Kljub temu mi ni prav nič žal. Mi smo se sinoči imeli prav fajn, losuljin zapis pa sem prebral, ko se je domači zverinjak umiril. Spat sem odšel s prijetno mislijo, da sem ga očitno spregledal, ne pa prezrl, saj sicer ne bi še isti večer skočil na njen blog in v iskalnik vtipkal Zaz. […]

  • Ba, BAnn, Zaz « Bimbovo blogokletstvo

    […] Kljub temu mi ni prav nič žal. Mi smo se sinoči imeli prav fajn, losuljin zapis pa sem prebral, ko se je domači zverinjak umiril. Spat sem odšel s prijetno mislijo, da sem ga očitno spregledal, ne pa prezrl, saj sicer ne bi še isti večer skočil na njen blog in v iskalnik vtipkal Zaz. […]