Lady’s Got The News

I’ve been to the hairdresser’s on Wednesday. I know you’d never have thought it, but this is definitely news! I put my head into other people’s hands, like, once in a few years.

They managed to confuse me a lot.

My husband is a regular and I was there for the first time. They kept calling my hubby “your husband/boyfriend” – the slash with the following alternative was there because of our different surnames, of course. I had thought only translators spoke like that.

My hairdresser was a tiny tiny little girl. She still decided she would try to help me take off my faux biker’s jacket (Neckermann, 100 % polyester). I managed not to kill her incidentally.

I was offered water, presented with magazines and asked questions about my hair-related wishes in a space of time much too brief for me to process. I had thought only translators spoke like that.

I still got the haircut I wanted and I love it. I know it sounds funny but this is the first time I could afford this kind of haircut (the same hair-length everywhere, more or less) – so this is news, too.


(Ambala; you did ask. This is ANTE combing, mind you)

13 responses to “Lady’s Got The News

  • ambala

    I see…. sweet! 😀

  • drfilomena

    Looking good! Did you have highlights put in or are those natural. Hey, hope the exposure to tabloids hasn’t caused considerable long-term damage to your translation-related processors in the grey matter.

  • alcessa

    THX! 😳

    Actually, there are still some parts there that were thinned out when I had my hair cut short and are now of different length and colour and not really looking good anymore. So I am going to have them cut off gradually. I really do want to have the same hair-length everywhere, for the first time. It does sound like a very boring wish, though 🙂

    Magazines: I was lucky: they gave me “Gala” and there were some Heidi Klum photos in there. I like Heidi, so I survived 🙂
    Do you talk to your hairdresser’s?

  • drfilomena

    Actually, having worked as a freelance translator for years, my policy has been much like your own. I saw a hairdresser when the hair just got plain too long to handle? 🙂

    I did have a hairdo makeover recently. See

    And this hairdresser is very interesting and a truly bright guy. So yes, I talked to him. Lots! 😀

  • drfilomena

    Whoops see what I mean?! I said recently and it was on 1 August!!! That’s like… humm… more than two months ago? 😉 Recent by mystandards, anyway.

  • alcessa

    It looks very nice and luxurious, your hair. And the colour’s wonderful!

    Nowadays I have only one wish: it has to look healthy. Which is why I do bother to get my favourite rose-scented neo-bio shampoo whenever I need it. But that is about all 🙂

  • Karmen

    Where is the picture, where???? 🙂

  • alcessa

    Erm: which picture do you want? 🙂

  • drfilomena

    Regarding the color, I have one word for you.
    …ker se cenim 😉

  • alcessa

    I see. I tried ceniti myself once at home, with a similar…erm… means: my hair turned light brown – don’t know what went wrong. So I now cenim myself by leaving it as it is and checking whether it is really true that I have (almost) no grey hair…

    But in your case, I’d say you do ceniš yourself well – it’s a great colour that suits you.

  • nimfa

    Alcessa, what’s with the bird?! 😛

  • alcessa

    Nimfa: this is our Knowledge-Vulture. There is an expression in German for “Lord only knows” that says “Vulture only knows” (Weiß der Geier). We thought we needed someone who knows everything so we brought it home, from a zoo shop.